Ignite Your Spirit Therapy
Private Healings in New York City
Tuesday, May 15 (10am-6pm) & Wednesday, May 16 (10am-2pm)
META Center - 214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY, 10001
For appointments please call Kalki Durga at 510 292 5946
Private Healings in New York City
Tuesday, May 15 (10am-6pm) & Wednesday, May 16 (10am-2pm)
META Center - 214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY, 10001
For appointments please call Kalki Durga at 510 292 5946
What is Ignite Your Spirit Healing? Energy healing, whether it be Ignite Your Spirit Healing or other modalities, is very powerful and life changing for those who are open to it. It works whether you believe in it or not, but can be blocked by adamant use of will that it will not work. So be it. Ignite Your Spirit therapy is a no drug, no touch healing modality developed by Shakti Durga. Her books Ignite Your Spirit and Child of God explain the basics of this proven therapy, which has helped thousands of people to experience better health, peace and happiness. What Happens? You sit in a chair with your feet on the floor, hands face up for receiving energy and your eyes closed so you can go within. The therapist will scan your energy field and assess its strengths and weaknesses. They may give you initial feedback about your energy anatomy and what it is that they wish to focus on, in consultation with you and what it is that you wish to attain from the session. Sessions take no more than 45 minutes and during that time the therapist will focus on your physical, mental, emotional and soul bodies. Sometimes you just need a good clean out. Other times you will be assisted to harmonize difficult relationships. You will receive spiritual guidance based on the state of your chakras, and even past lives or deceased family members can surface for one reason or another. Sometimes our sessions lead to two healings, as the departed loved one also receives healing on the non-physical body so as to merge more fully back into the Soul realm. |
What Happens Afterwards?
Sessions might only take 45 minutes but the healing will continue to unfold over the coming few days. Some people experience spiritual ecstasy during healings and for some period afterwards. Meditation becomes easier and deeper.
Sometimes people feel tired or a bit emotional immediately after the healing, and that is releasing a lot of stuck energy that has been trapped inside the etheric and astral body. Leaving it there can lead to health or wellness issues and attract problems to you. Removing it opens the way to a better future. That passes and you will feel lighter, cleaner and more filled with hope. Pain is often lessened and in some cases permanently removed, even where one has serious pathological reasons for assuming there would be a continuing pain issue. Divine energy is stronger than any bodily malfunction and miracles happen in our healing rooms on a regular basis.
Can You Guarantee a result?
No. A medical practitioner who is going to operate on you cannot guarantee that the surgery will be successful but they can tell you that it is likely to be successful. Similarly we can tell you that IYS is likely to help you overcome your problems.
Your own personal grace bank account is relevant to what you will experience. If you have good karma you can expect miracles, and if you don’t then not much will happen. However, we can help you learn to develop grace and we have had instances where we have been unable to help people but after a year of following our advice about lifestyle issues or specific matters, things have dramatically changed and the healing session has been profound solving the problems that were previously being experienced.
Some Examples:
For people of open mind and healthy discernment, you can improve your health and vitality, decrease pain and chronic ailments, attain much greater mental peace and optimism about life by receiving IYS therapy. You can actively build opportunities working with a highly trained therapist, whereby obstacles can be dissolved and replaced with ease, grace and flow. Problems at work and in relationships become a thing of the past as you unlock your potential and your own soul power reveals itself. People come to IYS sessions for a variety of reasons. As well as wanting help with health issues, others are searching for more meaning and direction in life. When we remove the debris from our mind and spirit, our future has a habit of unfolding more gracefully. We have countless testimonials of those who have found what they were looking for through IYS therapy combined with the path of ease and Grace seminar series. |