The Path of Ease and Grace with Shakti Durga Shanti Mission Harmony Centres are schools for the soul which provide organized instruction and training in the use of energy healing modalities. The Path of Ease and Grace is our transformational core teaching program. It is a great place to start if you are looking for a quality education. Click here to download Shakti Durga's full 2012 USA tour schedule: ![]()
Yoga of the Mind

Dates: Saturday, May 12; 10am – 6pm
Exchange: Full Weekend - $160 Suggested Donation
Location: Finding Feathers - 395 Commerce Drive - Fairfield, CT 06825
Registration: - 203.916.7887
Yoga of the Mind builds on Ignite Your Spirit and helps us learn to still our minds, using ancient techniques to erase negative thought patterns, fears and self-defeating beliefs and ideas. Astounding changes in consciousness frequently occur during the seminar, and life changes afterwards are profound.
Break free of old habits and put in place new healthy ones. Learn how to care for your developing energy body and add more healing techniques to your repertoire. Learn about the specific energy anatomy that can be built through easy spiritual practices and meditation, which will help you to achieve conscious soul connection.
We can transform our hearts and minds into pure channels of Divine love and consciousness. Every person has the capacity to do this. When we achieve soul connection the business of living takes place much more gracefully. We understand a lot more about what is going on and why, and how we can respond in an intelligent way to the ups and downs in life. Relationships improve noticeably. Problems just seem to melt away.
Exchange: Full Weekend - $160 Suggested Donation
Location: Finding Feathers - 395 Commerce Drive - Fairfield, CT 06825
Registration: - 203.916.7887
Yoga of the Mind builds on Ignite Your Spirit and helps us learn to still our minds, using ancient techniques to erase negative thought patterns, fears and self-defeating beliefs and ideas. Astounding changes in consciousness frequently occur during the seminar, and life changes afterwards are profound.
Break free of old habits and put in place new healthy ones. Learn how to care for your developing energy body and add more healing techniques to your repertoire. Learn about the specific energy anatomy that can be built through easy spiritual practices and meditation, which will help you to achieve conscious soul connection.
We can transform our hearts and minds into pure channels of Divine love and consciousness. Every person has the capacity to do this. When we achieve soul connection the business of living takes place much more gracefully. We understand a lot more about what is going on and why, and how we can respond in an intelligent way to the ups and downs in life. Relationships improve noticeably. Problems just seem to melt away.
Dimensions of Wealth

Dates: Saturday, June 2; 10am – 6pm & June 3; 10am – 5pm (End time may vary depending on workshop progress and participant agreement)
Exchange: Full Weekend - $160 Suggested Donation
Location: Finding Feathers - 395 Commerce Drive - Fairfield, CT 06825
Registration: - 203.916.7887
In Dimensions of Wealth we teach the art of Natural Manifesting. This is a method which aligns us with Universal design, which is Benevolence and Abundance. Wealth is both tangible and intangible. It includes having enough money to do whatever we want, as well as having the capacity to enjoy the Earth, care for our families, have great friends, and a real sense of who I am and why I am here.
In this seminar we look at the way in which we either attract or repel good things in our lives. Starting with the Divine dimension in which everything already exists in perfection, we look at the role our minds play in enabling or dis-empowering us from living a heavenly life on Earth. It is not enough to set a new affirmation for prosperity: the existing mental ‘dandruff’ that keeps us dis-empowered, often buried deep within, needs to be excavated and released for optimal manifesting ability.
In this course, you will carry out self-assessment and receive activations for wealth creation, heal deep blocks to wealth and find an empowering way to use the mind to attract the life you desire.
We look at 12 kinds of wealth, learn potent affirmations to change our reality, study the five dimensions of wealth as well as spiritual laws that bind us, whether we like it or not. Knowing them makes life a lot easier to understand.

Shakti Durga is a former lawyer, mother, businesswoman and author, musician and highly intuitive world-class spiritual teacher. Her mission is to teach people how to feel deep peace, and be empowered as peacemakers in their own homes, families, communities and workplace. Central to Guru’s teaching is nada shakti or the active transmission of uplifting and empowering spiritual energy through music. She has clearly spelled out her spiritual philosophy in a series of books, multimedia presentations, CD’s and meditation tools. Dimensions Of Wealth, her most recent publication, has been adopted as an indispensable spiritual guide by many seekers.
She has established a series of charitable spiritual schools known as Shanti Mission Harmony Centres, now located throughout Australia. Classes are by donation and topics range from energy healing to using spiritual principals to run a successful business. “These are schools and classes for the soul,” says Shakti Durga. “We blend eastern and western traditions, draw on the work of many spiritual teachers and bring likeminded people together to help them discover their purpose and mission. For more information please visit: