Please note the location of these events is not The Alignment Center.
They are being hosted at The TAI Group, located at 150 W. 30th Street.
Birthing the New We – Creating an Evolutionary Community,
Society, and Spirituality
with Thomas Hübl
Friday, April 6; 7-10pm
$20 Suggested Donation
The TAI Group - 150 W. 30th Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY, 10001
Thomas Hübl’s Sharing the Presence is a practice that cultivates awareness of a continuously unfolding evolutionary field of consciousness. This field stimulates and supports presence, awareness, and compassion in the world and cultivates a comprehensive understanding of human consciousness and potential.
As a foundation, Thomas Hübl will present four pillars that are crucial to his work:
- Re-integration of un-integrated parts
- Connection to the future potential of life
- Transcendence into timeless ever-present consciousness
- Full engagement in the market place of daily life
Then, by working extensively with both collective emergence and collective shadow work, Thomas will reveal how radical presence allows us to perceive subtle but important information that we normally do not. He shows how a committed "Yes" to experiencing every moment in its fullness gives us the courage to make a creative contribution to life and work towards an awakened society.
This special evening includes a selection of tools of Thomas’ work: toning meditation, authentic communication, perceiving and understanding of fields of consciousness, and training exercises in presence, intuition and inspiration.
These are helpful on an awakening path in order to access levels of consciousness, gain insight into the functioning of collective fields, to guide others in their processes and to see from different points of view.
Transparency, Transcendence and the New We –
Contemporary Spirituality on the Marketplace of Life
with Thomas Hübl
Saturday, April 7; 10am – 6pm
Sunday, April 8; 10am – 5pm (End time may vary depending on workshop progress and participant agreement)
Full Weekend - $160
Saturday Only - $90
The TAI Group - 150 W. 30th Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY, 10001
One of the greatest challenges on the spiritual path is to lead an awakened existence in the midst of modern daily life. How do we express the timeless wisdom of our deepest insights in our relationships, in our sexuality, with our children and our colleagues at work? How does awakened awareness turn from our daily practice into our daily reality?
We are all familiar with moments when we really say "Yes" - when life suddenly begins to flow and we feel vibrant, dynamic, engaged, connected. We start to awaken to a new experience of life that takes us beyond our usual states of consciousness. These experiences are glimpses of what is possible if we make a radical commitment to creating a culture based on Awakening to the timeless presence that is our True Nature.
At the frothy edge of evolutionary development a new stage of consciousness and culture is currently appearing, a new We with exciting qualities such as:
- Access to the field of collective consciousness
- Transparent and authentic communication
- Enhanced abilities to perceive others’ interior experiential states
- Increased levels of synchronization, transcendence and embodiment
As this new We emerges, we need to develop our spiritual courage, and identify the structures in our life which no longer serve us and let them go so we can create space for new, more effective structures. When we are over-identified with the ego’s sense of self, this process can often be long, drawn out, and painful. But when we approach the same process from the evolutionary perspective, where the self is understood as a continuous work in progress whose ultimate nature is primordially pure and perfect, the act of releasing our stories about who we think we are can be profoundly liberating and empowering.
During this practice-oriented workshop, we will experience how the Easter story – the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ – can serve as a metaphor for the evolutionary process of psycho-spiritual development. As we move through the stages of our own growth, we must be resilient enough to bear the fear and discomfort inherent in letting go of what we think we know in order to be receptive to the Mystery of life. At the same time, we can learn specific practices to help us skillfully navigate the journey through higher levels of complexity and consciousness with honesty, responsibility, courage and equanimity.
Thomas’ approach to spirituality includes the development of all streams of life, and emphasizes important questions such as:
- What is the relationship between the intra-, inter-, and trans-personal realms of experience?
- What role do presence, transparency, and compassion have in contemporary spirituality and daily life?
- How are our work and relationships affected if we radically commit to making Awakening our core motivation?
- What tools can be used to tap into the new We?
- What would organizational and community life look like at this next stage of development?
Ready To Go Deeper?
Celebrate Life Festival
Thomas Hübl is an integral spiritual teacher of uncompromising clarity whose work reveals the enlightened potential of a new form of humanity, an awakened "we-culture". Drawing from mystical experiences of all spiritual traditions, his international workshops, trainings and talks guide people to a deeper level of self-awareness and personal responsibility. This radical transcendence of an ego-centered world view opens the doorway to a profound life of authentic expression, service and alignment with the Absolute.
Thomas is the initiator of the Celebrate Life Festival and the Synchronised Humanity Tour. He founded the Academy of Inner Science in 2008, creating a space for the exploration of contemporary mysticism, with a direct and active commitment to respond to the challenges of the human condition that we face in today’s post-modern world.