Healing The Spirit/Matter Split
with Saniel Bonder
Friday, July 20 - 7-9pm
Saturday, July 21 - 10am-6pm
Sunday, July 22 - 10am - 5pm
Location: The TAI Group - 150 West 30th Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY
Exchange: $160 Full Weekend; $90 Saturday Only
Registration: http://spiritmattersplit.eventbrite.com
Key Gateways to Fulfilling Your Divinely Human Life-Purpose and Becoming a Radiant Human Sun
So many of us are trying hard to unify our spiritual and material lives. But we’re often unaware of how an ancient yet unsuspected split between Spirit and Matter continues to govern our consciousness and our actions.
There are steps you can take to heal your own Spirit/Matter split so powerfully and unshakably that “when the rubber hits the road” and intense challenges arise in your daily living, you never lose that seamless unity at your core. And you become free to fulfill your divinely human life-purpose as never before.
In this workshop we’ll receive the “Human Sun” initiation into the Waking Down in Mutuality work, a leading-edge approach to healing the Spirit/Matter split. Over the last 20 years this approach has helped hundreds of people do just that. It’s revolutionary and highly innovative. It will challenge a lot of your assumptions and help you look at your personal and spiritual growth in new ways. But what an infusion of hope and confidence it can bring you—and what a liberation into expressing your gifts!
Over the two days of this workshop we’ll explore five crucial modules of this transformational dynamic. Each module will include:
If you’re ready to become a radiant Human Sun, free of the ancient split between Spirit and Matter, come join us! REGISTER NOW! |
Saniel Bonder is the founder of the international Waking Down in Mutuality work. A Harvard graduate and Honorary National Scholar, Saniel has authored many spiritual books and an acclaimed new fantasy novel, Ultimaya 1.0. He is also the designated “money guru” blogging on The Spirit/Money Split, at the award-winning business and finance website Good Business International.
Saniel's work has helped hundreds of people awaken directly—and cooperatively—into unshakable, embodied identity with divine spirit. He is a co-founder of Human Sun Institute and was also a founding member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute.